Do you think you have one of the best decorated houses/businesses in Warsaw/Richmond County this
holiday season?
Have you been planning your exterior illumination for months?
Here is your chance to win bragging rights! Warsaw-Richmond County Chamber of Commerce will be conducting our annual Christmas Decorating Contest for 2024.
Participants may enter in one or more of the following categories:
A Classic Christmas
Best Themed Display
Clark Griswold Award for Most Lights in a
Cousin Eddie Award for Tackiest Display
Best Overall
Best Window Display
Most Creative Use of Lights
Best Overall
To participate, please complete the below form below and return it to the WRC Chamber of Commerce in person at Cuddlebugs, by mail, email to warsawrcchamber@gmail.com, or online at www.wrccoc.com. Or further down complete the online registration. All registration forms must be received before 5:00pm on Thursday, December 12th. Judging will take place after 6pm on December 13th & 14th. Winners will be announced on December 16th.